Weekly Parent Report

How many times have you dismissed that weekly email that breaks down for you minute by minute “how much” daily screen time you are using and “how” you are using it? Don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about. Ok. So maybe you don’t know what I’m talking about. Just google it.

Each week I’m reminded of my daily average screen time; the percentage goes up some weeks and when it’s down, I throw a party! I remember cringing when I saw my daily average screen time at 7 hrs and 32 minutes. My stomach dropped as well as my integrity. “What kind of ‘parent’ or ‘person’ am I to be on my phone for that much time…daily!” I thought.

I’d let so many other unimportant things take my attention, little by little, second by second, and those seconds add up into minutes quickly! Before you know it, you’re wondering how come your life isn’t as glamorous as such’n’such on Instagram. And then you’re paying closer attention to what you wear, the dinner you cook [or don’t cook], and how you can tidy up one more space at home.

Is it really going to take a state-wide mandated, two extra weeks off after Spring Break because of the impact of the Coronavirus for me to realize I’m not spending my time wisely with my family? Something that keeps playing over and over in my mind is what life was like before cell phones. It was so much simpler, easier. I didn’t feel rushed every minute of my day.

When I was preggers with our firstborn 19 years ago, I remember telling Stan, “I don’t want one of those cell phones. Get me a pager. Those things have been around for years. Those cell phones, however, [are you ready for this], are just a PHASE!” Yes! Those words came out of my mouth…VERBATIM! Inevitably, he handed me my first cell phone at the age of 24. Fast-forward 5 more years, 2 more children, and the term social media would begin to take shape in our conversations. And today, well…we can’t seem to live without it.

Without cell phones.

Without social media.

Without knowing where the Such-n-such family is heading on vacation this year.

Without watching one more video or playing one more game.




Remember what it was like to grow up in the 80’s as a kid? I know I’m not speaking to everyone here. But, maybe you were a parent or grandparent during that era. Don’t you remember the simplicity?! I can still see my brown lace-up shoes with knee-high socks and shortie-shorts. I can see 40+ grandkids running around Grandma Ruby’s house and one of the 8 aunts hollering at us kids to, “Stay outside or else”. The time spent at family gatherings was momentous, genuine. And NOBODY had their nose in a device of any size, shape or form! Pictures were taken on the count of 3 and if you screwed it up, [uh-hum Clyde Buck, III], Aunt Sis was gonna “clock you a good one” because she could and nobody got upset!

Can we all learn something in a time such as this? Our children are not going to remember how clean or unclean, perfect or imperfect we kept a home or how far away we took them on vacation. BUT, what they will remember is how we looked at them intently when we had a mid-night conversation with endless cups of coffee or that spontaneous road trip to Branson we took that one October night. And guess what? There wasn’t a single device around!

Still learning. Still growing.
